Farhadian Farhadian

Editorial & Topics

About Carpet Home

Carpet Home is the international trade magazine for professionals in the rug industry. The topics cover the complete range of area rugs: from machine-made rugs to all kind of hand-made rugs and oriental carpets. Themagazine covers the whole world of area rugs, without exceptions. Carpet Home is published in two editions, one in German and one in English with identical content.


Carpet Home has news from the rug industry, tells you what‘s going on in the retail, wholesale and industrial sectors, reports from the important trade fairs, features product ranges and presents new collections.

The Carpet Home editorial team is highly committed to giving readers a comprehensive and professional overview of the current market. Editorial work is consistently geared towards meeting the information needs of our readers from the rug trade.


SN-Verlag Michael Steinert
Carpet Home
An der Alster 21
20099 Hamburg / Germany

Tim Steinert


Tim Steinert
+49(0) 40 / 24 84 54 28
+49(0) 40 / 280 37 88


The dates and main topics of the upcoming issues can be found in the current media informaton
Carpet Home

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