Balta: Slight increase in turnover in Q3
With a turnover of EUR 151.5 million in the third quarter, carpet producer Balta was up 4.9 % on the same period last year. Sales in Rugs (+8.7 %) and Commercial (+9.9 %) increased, while sales in the Residential division decreased by -3.6 %. The largest contributor to Balta's sales continues to be area rugs (EUR 52.5 million in Q3). Especially in the USA sales were good.
Sustainability: These are the customers' priorities

In its latest consumer report, the Initiative Digitale Handelskommunikation (IDH) again analysed the importance of sustainability for consumers. (IDH is an initiative of leading providers in the field of digital trade communication.) The result: 86% of consumers are (very) interested in sustainability, which their purchasing decisions directly reflect. However, this mostly concerns groceries.
"Lust for Carpets" exhibition in Munich
From 20 October to 20 November, the focus at Munich's "Galerie Handwerk" will be on handmade carpets: the gallery will show traditional examples such as rag rugs from southern Germany, but also modern designer carpets from German workshops and studios and from other European countries. From minimalist, graphic designs to floral images and new interpretations of the "Persian carpet", the exhibition aims to awaken the visitors' desire for carpets and rugs.
24th Höffner store (Kiel) has opened
The new Höffner furniture store in Kiel has opened (size: about 40.000 m
2); the 24th branch will be celebrating this for three days: from 28 to 30 October. Höffner is now sponsor of the successful handball club THW Kiel, which is also on site on the opening days and will soon be competing with Höffner lettering on their jerseys.
Schöner Wohnen: New website

The Schöner Wohnen collection has a new website with a modern design. In addition to the extensive product range, consumers can find instructions, catalogues and lots of additional information there. There is no webshop; instead, the site offers a dealer search and ordering options for partner shops.
ABC Carpet & Home sold to investors
The New York City retailer ABC Carpet & Home is being sold to an investment consortium, according to an article the New York Post published on 22 October. The investment fund called 888 Capital Partners LLP is said to be "a consortium of investors with multi-generational experience in home goods and consumer products", a spokeswoman for ABC said according to the New York Post.
Opti-Wohnwelt receives award for medium-sized businesses

Every year, the Oskar Patzelt Foundation awards the Grand Prix of Medium-Sized Businesses to companies from different sectors in different regions of Germany. This year's motto: "Now more than ever". Opti-Wohnwelt (head office: Niederlauer, Northern Bavaria) was the only furniture retailer in Southern Germany to receive the coveted prize. Another award-winning furniture retailer is based in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: Möbel Preuß from Neustrelitz.
XXXLutz reopens with big "digital shopping experience"

In only five months, XXXLutz has completely rebuilt its furniture store in Aschheim near Munich; from 21 to 23 October, the store is celebrating its reopening. Around EUR 10 million were invested in the renovations, the location has almost 40,000 m
2 of floor space.
Jan Kath's "Family Affair" with workshop in January

When Jan Kath invites visitors to his "Family Affair" at the beginning of the year people look forward to seeing his latest carpet designs as well as all his important collections. Plus there will be plenty of time for conversations with the designer, his team and other guests. As always, the event will take place in Kath's atmospheric showroom in Bochum, from 10 to 15 January 2022. Invitations go out to dealers, journalists, designers and architects from all over the world.