Farhadian Farhadian

XXXLutz: Central warehouse in Zurndorf is being expanded

Since the completion of building phase 1, the new central warehouse in Zurndorf, Austria, has served as the central goods supply point for Central and South-Eastern Europe, partly also as an e-commerce warehouse for the online shops of the XXXLutz Group. A total of 120,000 m2 of space has been created, which, due to the stacking capability in the warehouse, results in a total storage area of 280,000 m2.

Now the foundation stone has been laid for an extension of 390,000 m2 of building space; the construction costs for building phase 2 will amount to EUR 200 million. In addition, EUR 100 million will be spent on the logistics facilities and the high-bay warehouse.

"We are bringing a business back to Austria that has been run in Slovakia for several years due to the lack of a location in Austria", says Thomas Saliger, company spokesman of the XXXLutz Group. This, according to him, will make the company more independent of short-term developments.

A 3,000 m2 photovoltaic system has been installed on the roof of the finished warehouse; the electricity generated covers the basic requirements of the entire warehouse. There will also be a photovoltaic power plant on the new roof area.

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XXXLutz: Central warehouse in Zurndorf is being expanded
Foto/Grafik: XXXLutz
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