Farhadian Farhadian

Golze: All-round service for online shops

As a competent partner for e-commerce, Golze offers extensive image and text material for an optimal online product presentation. The various illustrations show Golze's carpets and mats as realistically as possible: as a whole, in detail (material composition and structure) and in a larger context (as part of a room). There will also be product videos for online shops in the future.

Golze also provides marketing texts for all products, emphasizing their advantages and special features. All (technichal) article information is made available via various file formats, which makes it easier to import the data into the online shop. In addition, information on delivery capability or product availability can be transmitted to customers on a daily basis.

Golze has long been active in the field of dropshipping and delivers the goods directly and in neutral packaging to the end consumer, thus e-commerce partners save storage space.

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Golze: All-round service for online shops
Foto/Grafik: Golze
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