Farhadian Farhadian

Virtual roundtable on hand-knotted rugs on Tuesday

Would you like to participate in a lively Zoom discussion on the situation of handmade carpets in times of Corona? Then join the virtual roundtable on Tuesday, 25 August, 10 a.m. Eastern US time (3 p.m. GMT, 4 p.m CET) .The event is organised by the Kabul Carpet Export Center (KCEC), whose aim is to put Afghan carpet producers in touch with international buyers.

Several panel disussions will cover the impact COVID-19 continues to have on the weavers in Afghanistan and the markets for handmade rugs in Europe and the Americas. Tim Steinert, Editor-in-Chief of Carpet! Magazine will host a panel discussion entitled "Overview and state of rug sales around the world". Other panels will deal with the present and future of the handmade-carpet trade, reports from major production centers, and design trends.

Joining is easy – if you already have Zoom installed, just click on the following link: bit.ly/2Ecv9P6

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