Farhadian Farhadian

Object Carpet: Red Carpet "Duo" is the star of the Berlinale

The Berlinale film festival takes place in Berlin from 15 to 25 February. Hollywood celebrities, film fans and cineastes from all over the world present themselves on the Berlinale Red Carpet. The secret star of this year's festival is once again the bright red floor that all guests walk on: Object Carpet's Duo carpet is, according to the manufacturer, the first recyclable carpet made of only two materials - and is also fully
and repeatedly recyclable.

The organisers of the Berlinale have long been committed to keeping the ecological footprint of their festival as small as possible. For years they have been using Nyltecc from Object Carpet, whose recycled Econyl yarn is made from various waste products such as industrial waste, fishing nets and the like. Duo will be used for the first time in 2024.

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Object Carpet: Red Carpet "Duo" is the star of the Berlinale
Foto/Grafik: Stefan Pletscher
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