Farhadian Farhadian

Christie's: Virtual tour for auction on 1 April

Christie's upcoming auction ("Art of the Islamic and Indian Worlds Including Oriental Rugs and Carpets") will feature works of art spanning four centuries from across the Middle East, Asia and Europe. Highlights include a magnificent Qajar group portrait and a the superbly preserved silk and metal-thread Safavid "Polonaise" carpet that once belonged to Prince Pio Falcò.

Otto: 30% increase in turnover in the financial year 2020/21

After a "restrained" start into the financial year 2020/21 due to the pandemic, Otto reported an overall increase in turnover of 30 % (from around 3.5 to 4.5 billion EUR). The Hamburg-based online retailer published the figures in a press release.

Ikea Switzerland introduces its own app

"Probably the smallest Ikea furniture store" – this is how Ikea Switzerland describes its new app for shopping via smartphone or tablet. Users can order Ikea products online, prepare their shopping in the store or create lists of personal favourites. A feed presents new personalised inspirations every day; the Ikea Family card can also be loaded into the app. At the same time, Ikea assures users of full data security. The app for iOS and Android is available since 22 March.

German furniture trade with slight plus in 2020

EUR 23,767 billion was the total turnover the 30 largest German furniture retailers had in the calendar year 2020 – a plus of 1.2 %, compared to 2019. This is reported by the trade journal "Möbelkultur" in its current extra edition "Möbelkultur Umsatz 2021".

Zollanvari: Online show with new designs extended until 1 April

Zollanvari: Online show with new designs extended until 1 April
From 23 March to 1 April (extended dates), Zollanvari invites everyone interested to its very first online exhibtion called "Cyber Esotericism". The show is a gift for Nouruz, the Iranian spring festival; all collections on display are correspondingly fresh and new. Its centrepiece is the Lion Collection with designs by the design studios NOV24 (Vienna) and SoFar SoNear (Milan), developed for Zollanvari's 75th anniversary.

Short Survey on Custom-Order Rugs

Short Survey on Custom-Order Rugs
Custom-order rugs and carpets will be a main topic in the next issue of Carpet Home. What role does this product group play in the retail trade? To find out, we have developed a short survey to give us an overview. Have fun taking part!

Click here for the survey

Consumer Goods Digital Day in April

Messe Frankfurt is staging the Consumer Goods Digital Day, the joint digital format of the Ambiente, Christmasworld, Creativeworld and Paperworld trade fairs. On 20 April, the online event will offer the consumer-goods sector a place to meet, exchange ideas and information and order digitally. Among others, keynote speaker Sanjay Sauldie will address new opportunities through digital transformation and current retail trends that are gaining momentum due to the pandemic.

Taking place in May: Indian export fair IHGF

An actual fair with real visitors will take place in India from 19 to 23 May: the IHGF, export platform for all things home, lifestyle, fashion, textiles and furniture. The venue is the India Expo Center & Mart in Noida near Delhi; around 1,100 exhibitors are expected, including Jaipur Rugs.

Domotex 2021 becomes a three-day digital event

Domotex 2021 becomes a three-day digital event
Due to the worldwide Corona pandemic, Domotex, the world's leading trade fair for floor coverings, will be held this year from 19 to 21 May as a purely digital event. The core element of the Domotex Digital Days is the live conference programme on Thursday, 20 May. Here, current and future-oriented topics of the international floor coverings industry will be addressed.

Short Survey on Outdoor Carpets

Short Survey on Outdoor Carpets
Outdoor rugs and carpets will be a main topic in the next issue of Carpet Home. What role does this product group play in the retail trade? To find out, we have developed a short survey to give us an overview. Have fun taking part!

Click here for the survey
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