Farhadian Farhadian

Domotex Turkey 2023 to be held in Antalya

Domotex Turkey, the leading trade fair for the carpet and floor coverings industry in Turkey and the Middle East, will take place from 10 to 13 July 2023 at the Anfaş International Fair and Congress Center in Antalya. The move to Antalya was necessary due to the Gaziantep Middle East Fair Center serving as a logistics center for earthquake relief organizations.

Carpet Star 2024: The carpet retailers of the year

Carpet Star 2024: The carpet retailers of the year
Carpet Home is once again looking for exemplary carpet retailers to award with the Carpet Star at Domotex 2024. Are you a 'star' carpet retailer? Does your company have one or more outstanding strengths? For example, in product presentation, customer service, marketing or social media? Is there something about you that other merchants could learn from? Submit your entry to become a potential Carpet Star winner - whether you run a boutique, a large carpet store, a carpet department in a furniture store or a web shop. The deadline to enter the Carpet Star 2024 Awards is 22 September 2023.

Apply now online: Carpet Star 2024 / Application

Deutsche Messe AG / EUCA: Constructive exchange about Domotex 2024

Deutsche Messe AG / EUCA: Constructive exchange about Domotex 2024
At a joint meeting of Deutsche Messe AG and the carpet importers' association EUCA, Sonia Wedell-Castellano (Global Director Domotex), Thilo Horstmann (Senior Project Director) and Dunja Seven (Team Lead Sales) provided information about the latest plans for Domotex 2024 and discussed the experiences of Domotex 2023 with the carpet importers present. In order to attract significantly more exhibitors to Domotex again next year, the organisers have entered into an open and constructive dialogue. To make the fair even more attractive for visitors, the organisers are consistently developing the special shows and expanding the programme. The exhibition space will also be expanded. Next year, Domotex will grow by two halls: In the Rugs section (carpets and rugs), Hall 3 will be reintegrated to create space for additional special events and exhibitor initiatives such as the 'Peacock Project' by Lila Valadan.

Interview of the month in Carpet Home II/2023: Mc Three opens a new chapter

Interview of the month in Carpet Home II/2023: Mc Three opens a new chapter
Now that it is certain that fully integrated Flemish carpet producer Mc Three willremain in family hands, the company is now setting a course for the future aftersuccessfully exhibiting at Domotex. In September 2022, Peter Desmet took over as CEO and is now responsible for the company‘s fortunes. Investments are being madein design, personnel, sustainability, new technologies and automation. Having mostmaterials and production steps all in-house makes the manufacturer independentand agile. Carpet Home visited McThree and spoke with CEO Peter Desmet, DesignManager Ophélie Vanhoutte, Product Development and Sustainability Officer Flo VanTongel and Marketing Officer Yentl Van der Plas. Read the interview of the month in the online edition of Carpet Home II/2023. → Link to Carpet Home II/2023

Cover story in Carpet Home II/2023: Rezas - Our warehouse is your warehouse

Cover story in Carpet Home II/2023: Rezas - Our warehouse is your warehouse
At the beginning of the year, Danish carpet importer Rezas introduced its expanded product range. Machine-woven carpets are a new third business line complementing its classic and modern lines of premium handmade rugs. Reza Rejaye, who founded the company in 1991, offers customers a comprehensive, flexible service package for more convenient andefficient sales, both online and in-store. Carpet Home paid a visit at the company’s headquarters in Odense and talked to Sales Director Jesper Andersen and Marketing and E-Commerce Manager. Read the cover story in the online edition of Carpet Home II/2023. → Link to Carpet Home II/2023

The Rug Show USA: Discounted hotel rooms

For visitors to The Rug Show USA trade fair, the organisers are offering an allotment of discounted hotel nights. The show will take place from 9 to 11 September 2023 at the Meadowlands Exposition Center in Secaucus - in the immediate vicinity of New York's district of Manhattan. The special rate for trade fair visitors and exhibitors of $145 plus tax per night is for a suite with two double beds and sofa bed, including breakfast. The offer at this price is limited and is on a first-come, first-served basis.

XXXLutz: Green light for acquisition of Home24

The XXXLutz Group has received antitrust clearance for the acquisition of Home24. With this approval, the last outstanding condition of the takeover bid has been fulfilled. XXXLutz had already acquired more than 92% of the Home24 shares at the turn of the year 2022/23.

Rugvista: Sales and profit decreased

Rugvista: Sales and profit decreased
Rugvista Group, with its carpet online shops Rugvista and Carpetvista, reports sales of just under SEK 640m (approx. EUR 56m) for 2022. This corresponds to a decline of 9.3% compared to the previous year, when turnover was SEK 705m. The decline is put into perspective when considering the figures for Corona's 2020 year, in which sales of SEK 564m were achieved. The decline in profit was more pronounced than the decline in turnover. Rugvista Group achieved an EBIT of SEK 75m in 2022, compared to SEK 128m in 2021 and SEK 104m in 2022.

Westwing with sharp decline in sales in 2022

The online retailer Westwing has to report a decline in sales of 18% for the 2022 financial year. Sales of furniture, hometextiles and accessories fell from EUR 522 million in 2021 to EUR 431 million. Earnings declined by EUR 44.7 million from EUR + 40.4 million to EUR - 4.2 million. High declines are explained by the difficult economic situation in 2022 and a simultaneously very strong year 2021.

Westwing has combined club sales and online shop

Westwing has combined club sales and online shop
The home furnishings online retailer Westwing has combined its two areas of club sales and its online shop Westwingnow. Now consumers can visit both the time-limited club sales and the regular online shop under the same domain without registering. The nucleus of Westwing is the shopping club founded in 2011. Here, registered customers could shop in themes and style worlds grouped together and time-limited sale campaigns. With Westwingnow, an open online shop with a permanent assortment was added in 2015. Westwing is currently active in eleven European countries and had a turnover of around EUR 431 million in 2022.
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