Farhadian Farhadian

Next Casa Salzburg in 2024

Casa Salzburg, scheduled for 25 to 28 January 2022, has been cancelled. Its organisers, Austrian Exhibition Experts, justified this decision with the latest restrictive Covid measures of the Austrian federal government.

Christian Fischbacher: Swiss design prize for Benu Sea

Christian Fischbacher: Swiss design prize for Benu Sea
Textile editor Christian Fischbacher has been awarded the Design Preis Schweiz (Swiss design prize) for its Benu Sea collection. The yarn for these textiles is largely made from recycled marine plastic as well as recycled PET bottles.

Roller: Staba is new purchasing manager

Roller: Staba is new purchasing manager
From 1 November, Thomas Staba has been Purchasing Manager for Roller's specialist ranges. This was confirmed by the Gelsenkirchen-based furniture retailer at the request of the business magazine BTH Heimtex.

XXXLutz: Central warehouse in Zurndorf is being expanded

XXXLutz: Central warehouse in Zurndorf is being expanded
Since the completion of building phase 1, the new central warehouse in Zurndorf, Austria, has served as the central goods supply point for Central and South-Eastern Europe, partly also as an e-commerce warehouse for the online shops of the XXXLutz Group. A total of 120,000 m2 of space has been created, which, due to the stacking capability in the warehouse, results in a total storage area of 280,000 m2.

Survey: Modern flatweaves and high-quality machine-woven carpets

Survey: Modern flatweaves and high-quality machine-woven carpets
While rapidly approaching the new year, the Carpet Home survey picks up on two highly popular rug & carpet types:

1. Modern flatweaves
2. High-quality machine-woven carpets

Here is the link to the survey. Have fun taking part!

Home & Flooring Expo has started!

Home & Flooring Expo has started!
Home & Flooring Expo 2021, SN-Verlag's first digital trade fair has just started. The site is German-language only, exhibitors can also be contacted in other languages, of course. The online fair runs until Friday, 5 November; the visit is completely free of charge.

Click here for visitor registration for Home & Flooring Expo 2021

Balta: Slight increase in turnover in Q3

With a turnover of EUR 151.5 million in the third quarter, carpet producer Balta was up 4.9 % on the same period last year. Sales in Rugs (+8.7 %) and Commercial (+9.9 %) increased, while sales in the Residential division decreased by -3.6 %. The largest contributor to Balta's sales continues to be area rugs (EUR 52.5 million in Q3). Especially in the USA sales were good.

Sustainability: These are the customers' priorities

Sustainability: These are the customers
In its latest consumer report, the Initiative Digitale Handelskommunikation (IDH) again analysed the importance of sustainability for consumers. (IDH is an initiative of leading providers in the field of digital trade communication.) The result: 86% of consumers are (very) interested in sustainability, which their purchasing decisions directly reflect. However, this mostly concerns groceries.

"Lust for Carpets" exhibition in Munich

From 20 October to 20 November, the focus at Munich's "Galerie Handwerk" will be on handmade carpets: the gallery will show traditional examples such as rag rugs from southern Germany, but also modern designer carpets from German workshops and studios and from other European countries. From minimalist, graphic designs to floral images and new interpretations of the "Persian carpet", the exhibition aims to awaken the visitors' desire for carpets and rugs.

24th Höffner store (Kiel) has opened

The new Höffner furniture store in Kiel has opened (size: about 40.000 m2); the 24th branch will be celebrating this for three days: from 28 to 30 October. Höffner is now sponsor of the successful handball club THW Kiel, which is also on site on the opening days and will soon be competing with Höffner lettering on their jerseys.
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