Farhadian Farhadian

Schlau/Hammer: Fesenberg retired

At the end of February 2022, Wernfried Fesenberg retired. For 16 years, he was responsible as managing director for purchasing at the German retail and wholesale group Schlau/Hammer. As his successors, Krystina Geis will take over Category Management Living (carpets, mats, curtains, sun protection, bed, bath, home accessories) and Stephanie Huesmann Category Management Flooring, Wall, Tools (floor coverings, construction chemicals, paints, wallpaper, tools). Both have been with the company since the beginning of the year.

Fesenberg worked for Brüder Schlau for 45 years and will be available to the group of companies in an advisory capacity until the end of 2022. In 1977, the industrial clerk joined the company as a commercial employee for purchasing. In 1990, he became an authorised signatory and purchasing manager, and finally managing director of Schlau Heimtex Einkaufs GmbH. Fesenberg helped shape the development of the strategic purchasing of the group of companies and the assortment policy in wholesale and retail. He was one of the initiators of the purchasing association for the product groups floor coverings, curtains and sun protection, which was founded by Hammer and TTL/TTM in the early 2000s and later expanded to include Knutzen.

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Schlau/Hammer: Fesenberg retired
Foto/Grafik: Brüder Schlau
Wernfried Fesenberg
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