IMM Cologne is adapting its concept for 2023 to the challenges of a changing market and is repositioning itself. In 2023, the international furnishing fair will have a new date: instead of January, it will be held as IMM Spring Edition from 4 to 7 June.
"Unanimously, the IMM Cologne Advisory Board today voted in favour of the concept proposed by Koelnmesse for the IMM Spring Edition in June 2023. This ensures that IMM Cologne can take place again after a two-year break," says Gerald Böse, Chief Executive Officer of Koelnmesse. The IMM Spring Edition is to run for four days from Sunday to Wednesday and will focus on trade visitors. End consumers will have the opportunity to visit the fair by invitation. In this way, there will be a clear focus on business. "In addition, it is our goal to implement new participation formats in the market," says Matthias Pollmann, Business Unit Manager at Koelnmesse. The theme of kitchens will be integrated into the IMM Spring Edition for 2023. At the same time, there are plans to involve the city more in the event programme as a location.
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