Farhadian Farhadian

Q4: Rugvista reports 5.4% revenue growth

Swedish online rug retailer Rugvista has published its financial report for the fourth quarter of 2024. Revenue increased by 5.4% to SEK 246 million (approx. EUR 22 million), marking the highest quarterly result in the company’s history. Organic growth stood at 4.9%. The number of orders rose by 17% to 118,600, while 87,400 new customers were acquired.

Operating profit remained stable at SEK 29 million, with a margin of 11.9% (12.6%). CEO Ebba Ljungerud highlights the company’s positive development despite persistently challenging market conditions. The financial position remains strong, and Rugvista plans to distribute up to 50% of net profit to shareholders. For 2024, a dividend of SEK 1.25 per share has been proposed.

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